PEC Project

The PEC Project (Podcast Employ yourself in Culture) is a Cooperation Partnership in Youth, promoted by Asociación Cultural Integra ( Spain) Greece Mosaic Politismos & Dimiourgikotita (MOSAIC), Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (EKO) Italy (Strategie Servizi Sviluppo SRLS(STEPP), Associazione Italy Meet Indonesia (IMI), Associazione Arte Cultura e Sanità ETS (ARCUSAN) Croatia (Culture Hub Croatia (CHC).

The project aims to produce innovative contents related with employability and entrepreneurship of young people in the cultural sector, to achieve 3 specific objectives:

Objective 1 → Promotion of the employability of young people in the cultural sector.

Objective 2 → Promotion of entrepreneurship of young people in the cultural sector.

Objective 3 → Dissemination of European cultural heritage among young people in the participating countries.

PEC Project (Podcast self- Employment in Culture) is an Strategic Youth Partnership, Innovation action, promoted by Asociación Cultural Integra.

The Project Challenge is to support the importance of European cultural heritage decrease high youth unemployment rate in the project’s partner countries: Spain, Greece, Malta, Italy and Cyprus.

Recording Podcast Program in which employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in the cultural sector are made known. This program will be available in multiple languages, as well as the interviews in video format.

Through our website and social networks reach many young people in countries with a high rate of youth unemployment, showing them the employment and entrepreneurship opportunities offered by the cultural sector in a non-formal way.

Target Group

Specialized youth workers in the field of Culture, coming from partner countries of the project. The profile of the participants (aged +18) would be from the following areas:

Artists and other cultural professionals

Teachers, trainers, educators and coaches

Organizations that work with artists and artistic trainers

Entrepreneurs, associations and decision makers
