PEC Project
The PEC Project (Podcast Employ yourself in Culture) is a Cooperation Partnership in Youth, promoted by Asociación Cultural Integra ( Spain) Greece Mosaic Politismos & Dimiourgikotita (MOSAIC), Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (EKO) Italy (Strategie Servizi Sviluppo SRLS(STEPP), Associazione Italy Meet Indonesia (IMI), Associazione Arte Cultura e Sanità ETS (ARCUSAN) Croatia (Culture Hub Croatia (CHC).
The project aims to produce innovative contents related with employability and entrepreneurship of young people in the cultural sector, to achieve 3 specific objectives:
Objective 1 → Promotion of the employability of young people in the cultural sector.
Objective 2 → Promotion of entrepreneurship of young people in the cultural sector.
Objective 3 → Dissemination of European cultural heritage among young people in the participating countries.